Kennel Back / Side Panels

$90.00 - $365.00
✓ Isolation Panels
✓ Rubber Gasket on the Bottom
✓ 6ft tall
✓ Easy to Clean
Size (width x height) *
Color: None Selected

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We only offer solid or mostly solid isolation panels because we found they work the best in a commercial kennel facility. Simply bolt this kennel panel to a post to create a side or back to your dog kennel or kennel run. The nuts are already embedded into the panel, so half of the hardware is already installed for you!

Our dog kennel panels are made from solid HDPE for strength and durability

HDPE or High Density PolyEthelyne is a common plastic used on playgrounds and in public restrooms as stall dividers. We chose to use this material because it was designed to be easy to clean - which is essential for a commercial dog kennel! Many other kennel manufacturers try to use welded wire, chainlink or a laminated material (with a cheaper inner core) - but we found those types of materials just don't last. Welded wire or chainlink have weak-spots that the dogs exploit to either damage the kennel or escape! Most of the laminates have a softer material like a foam or even wood as their cheaper core material and they just do not belong in a kennel facility. Our panels are made from the same material that is used in commercial kitchens as cutting-boards, so it is designed to get abused and being solid throughout, the dogs will never scratch through to a softer core!


Isolation kennel panels greatly reduce fence-fighting

We found that when dogs cannot directly see each other, they tend to fight less. Having completely solid side panels is the only way to eliminate fighting through the fence. We also made the connection between the side panels overlap with the posts so it completely obscures any sight the dog might have into the kennel next door. Not only is this safer and less stressful for the dogs, but it greatly reduces the noise within the kennel facility.

In some instances you might need extra ventillation or visibility through the kennel. We can add (for an extra cost) slots on the upper 2ft of the panel to provide your needs. We found that in most instances having the bottom 4ft solid still acts as a decent isolation panel as most breeds cannot see over it. The breeds that can see over it have to stand up on their hind legs and eventually tire out.

Standard sizes available

We have some very common standard sizes available - or we can custom-cut the kennels panels to ensure they fit your space perfectly! Longer spans can be created using multiple panels help up with posts.

Check out some of the common kennel layouts we see often.

Gator Kennels Product Catalog
Dog Kennel Gate Assembly Instructions
Learn more about sloped floors in your kennel facility.
Replacement Parts for Kennel Gates